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By Daniel Amarilio

If God gives me dreams over there

I would like to dream I have been born as an old man
And every passing year makes me younger.
And my youth is enriched with the wisdom of old age.

If God gives me dreams over there

I would like to see myself in eternity
Pure as babies and children’s souls
With precious faces and hearts

I’ll be close to them for eternity
Far away from the dirty waves of life-
Close to the souls of my dear relatives
And I will tell them how truly I love them
Not to hate myself some day

If God gives me dreams over there

I would not cry without tears
I will long for warm embraces
Of my distant, so close

If God gives me dreams over there

I would not dream
The reality is a dream
I will beg the Lord God
To be merciful, to keep the Earth motionless
This Earth-so heavy with evil.
I will beg Him not to destroy us with motion
Deprived of His image
Which once was ours

If God gives me dreams over there

I will only see the reality
I will sink in it, to help
The reality isn’t me
The reality isn’t you
The reality isn’t them also
It is only what we see
Or what we don’t want to see
So close and so far

If God gives me dreams over there

I will remove my shell
I will starve to understand what is to feel hunger
A skeleton with big sad eyes
A world so confused, doubled-faced and cruel
Begging God to be merciful

Daniel Amarilio

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If God gives me a small piece of life


Copyright © 2000-2003 Daniel Amarilio
Maps courtesy of www.theodora.com/maps used with permission.

Charter for poverty eradication all around the world
If God gives me a small piece of life
It is so easy to defeat poverty in this world
Financial aid actually perpetuates the misery
Bush and the huns
Commercial relations with the poor countries
Tony Blair is right - Responsibility before generations
The Politicians and Militaries pour tea into our coffees and make us eat their “salad”
The democracy becomes demoncracy in democratic way
The most simple and effective formula to defeat poverty and strengthening of peace and democracy in this world
The poverty in the world increases thanks to the following wrong formula
The rich people must confer in hovels in the poor contries. In stead of living like the native population

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